September 17, 2022
Tiburon, CA

Caroline & Nick


Nick Dessau


Caroline Grinnell

September 17, 2022

Tiburon, CA

Our Story

As many couples have been known to do these days, Nick and Caroline met online. Caroline was instantly smitten and impatient to meet Nick, so she very boldly suggested that they cut the online chat and instead have a drink at the “2 AM” Club in Mill Valley, CA. The 2 AM Club is not what you think! It’s a cherished “dive” bar, a very unique and classic place, where Caroline and Nick hit it off so well that they played pool and talked until nearly 2AM that night, learning everything they had in common: their experiences at Santa Clara University (even though they didn’t know each other at that time) their love of dogs, hiking on the beach with the dogs, and most of all, their love for family. Caroline and Nick have been inseparable ever since their first meeting, spending many 2AMs together and growing their young family, first by adopting their sweet pup, Holly, and then another Dachshund named Tater Tot. They are thrilled to have found a home close by family and are looking forward to the many hours, months, and maybe even years that they will spend together fixing it up and making it into a home. They cannot wait to say “I do” in September when they tie the knot in front of family and friends in Caroline’s hometown of Tiburon. Cheers to Caroline and Nick and a lifetime of 2 AMs together.